Mar 2019

Death & Taxes


Wise words that few would disagree with and as your Estate Planning Consultants, we can certainly help to keep the second of those certainties under control.

But what about the first one?

 Whilst we can’t make death less certain, we can certainly help to give you the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what life may bring, the ones you care for most will receive the maximum benefit from everything you have worked so hard to achieve and acquire, and importantly, hold onto it after you have gone.

 The number of people who haven’t made a Will or some form of estate plan is notoriously high and thousands of families every year suffer from sideways disinheritance. Assets meant for children or other beneficiaries are often diverted away from the desired inheritance line due to one of many possible events in life that will affect most families at some point.

Estate Planning is just one of those things that we don’t get round to or, don’t give enough attention to.

The solution: Let us help.

If you want to be certain your wishes are respected and your assets remain with your heirs putting in place a estate plan is essential.