Squiggle is a team of independent consultants, offering a variety of estate planning services such as Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney and Probate. We are built upon efficiency, simplicity and putting you first. Our key objective is to support you every step of the way through the process of your estate planning, from advice, to storing your documents, to giving further support for your loved ones when you pass. We know how important it is to you that your loved ones receive the maximum benefit from your assets after you are no longer with them. Because it is so important, we offer a truly personal and unique service to every client.
We visit you in your home and talk through with you all your hopes and wishes. We find out what means the most to you and guide you through what can be a very confusing array of different options. We make it simple. Our job is to help you make the best decision. We ensure you have all the information available so you can consider every eventuality. As Estate Planning Consultants, we are committed to maintaining the codes of conduct and service standards that are demanded of us by our clients. Our industry is unregulated, however we take it upon ourselves to self-regulate, following standards that financial advisors are scrutinised for.
We provide competitively priced straight talking, transparent, invaluable advice for Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Probate. We meet with you and understand your needs before we go through all the scenarios to establish what options work best for you. If you ask us for a Will, we will go through all the options available for you to ensure it satisfies your requirements, guaranteeing you get exactly what you are asking for.
Our consultants are compassionate and make sure they understand your needs by meeting you and getting to know what is important to you. Each have years of experience in helping clients access legal support, from general legal assistance, to Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Probate. We are on hand to help when you need it.
Squiggle Consult is thrilled to have won the Corporate and Social Responsibility Award at the Legal Growth Awards, recognising our commitment to sustainability, diversity, and community impact.
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